Alright so I finally watched SPN ::grumble grumble grumble::
Sam-friendly reaction under the cut.
OK, first off, the episode was... okay. My biggest issue what I don't feel like we actually learned anything about why Sam's doing what he does. I've been waiting for the big moment, whether it be "well gee Dean, she was gonna kill me and if she did that i'd never be able to get you out of Hell" or "ruby slipped me a demon blood roofie and it sort of felt cool" or "i was willing to try anything at that point b/c you know what, i was alone. you didn't last a day dude, i had to go months." You know, whatever, I'm not picky. But he didn't say anything that sounded convincing.
My other annoyance - DEAN NEVER ASKED. Hallucination-Dean asked him, but Hallucination-Dean wasn't playing nice, and Sam was at a slight disadvantage there so no one would tell the truth there. But real Dean didn't ask him. He didn't even try to talk to him about it. Dean's MO is always to greet anything Sam does that he hasn't pre-approved of with anger. One would think after a whole season of anger getting him nowhere he would take a softer approach. Bobby even TOLD him to. And he still didn't. Yeah, killing Ruby will totally solve all of your problems. Does he ever THINK? Now I realize he's scared and emo and whiny, but c'mon now, think before you act man.
This is one of those reasons why the lack of a caring maternal figure on the show has bothered me. Bobby and Sam have never really been shown as having that close of a relationship, and I would just love for there to be someone warmer around who could help out here (Ellen was too gruff for that role too). I think seeing Sam's Mary-hallucination drove that point home. Sure she agreed with everything he was doing, but she was gentle and soft with him. Whereas his young self was yelling and bitching just like Dean does.
Dean didn't even ask how this got started, or try to talk to Ruby. Sure she's been abrasive, but ask her what's going, talk talk talk c'mon! Sam even wanted him to come, but it's always an ultimatum with Dean "not if she's coming." Just get in the car with them and watch and listen and figure out what's really going on.
Not to mention Dean agreeing to be on-call for angels just because maybe Sam might end up possibly having to help if he doesn't? Wow dude, you couldn't wait on that one just a little bit?
There's always been a level of control exercised by Dean over Sam. He wants Sam to do what he wants him to do. The end. I'm just hoping all of this won't lead to Redemption-Sam who falls back in line with Dean because clearly all of his own decisions end badly.