My mother convinced me to watch Anna Karenina with her. At first I wasn't really caught it, but suddenly Sean Bean entered (I didn't know he was in it)...Need I say more? I was practically glued to the television and when it ended I had tears in my eyes. It's a sad but beautiful story.
My mother was laughing at me, But Sean Bean looks too good in
I was thoroughly distracted at my lecture in historical theory today. On the row before me in the auditorium sat a guy who, from where I sat, looked a lot like Jared Leto.
I could not help it....I stared...*blushes*
It has been a while since I updated. But as I has just recently started at University of Copenhagen at History, my time schedule has become very tight. However when I get into a routine and get used to everything, I will be able to post more regularly.