Good morning everybody. Right now I'm at work. Hell, I'm still drunk from last night. Beautiful. Welcome matts in my bedroom=drunken Caleb. Hahaha what a fun night. Thanks Randy for the talk. Coffee on Tuesday?
Holy Shit a party for the agespoppunkrandyOctober 17 2004, 12:46:00 UTC
I actually just realized that I have madrigal feaste rehearsal after school on tuesday till like 9. FAIL! We'll have to reshedule that. But me and the boys will be definetly be headed to your humble abode in the future if that is ok with you. Crystal gave us an open invitation but she said she had to talk to you first. The Creep from upstairs came by and said "Partying is cool, Stealing doormats isn't" what a fag.
The open invitation is cool with me. The more the merrier. Plus, what else are we going to do with all the alcohol in our fridge? Just call me up when you want to reschedule. Damn, I still haven't met my upstairs neighbor! Was he old and fat? (thats how I picture him)
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i have to return those.
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