Jul 26, 2010 01:49

So I saw some of the x17 pap vids of the paparazzi harassing/stalking/following Rob and it just.. it made me feel sick ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

linsadair July 26 2010, 13:55:22 UTC
I applaud and appreciate your request. I follow so little of what goes on that I had no idea about this. I also have always ignored pap pics simply because I've always thought they were unethical. Even before Lady Diana. Thanks for supporting Rob and for doing this :)


mana1023 July 26 2010, 17:41:13 UTC
Just watched it for the first time. We should really take a stand and make a fuss about this.


uremy1 July 26 2010, 23:36:37 UTC
I agree, it's disgusting. I didn't watch the video, seeing the photos was bad enough. Poor Rob, I can't imagine having to live life like that. I don't really pay attention to pap photos and I certainly don't use for my graphics. Never have never will.


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