Thanksgiving was awesome. Short but awesome. I went home on Monday and got back Saturday it was nice to see all my friends. Even though I did have a wake and funeral to go to for one of my friends the week was still fun. It was good to see all my friends, though I would have loved to see one more. Thanksgiving itself was amazing. I love Turkey Day I love the food, I love my families relaxed attitude toward the entire day, but most of all I love the people. My family is awesome; I would never, ever change it even if I could, which I guess is good because I can’t right?
Have you ever thought about that? Imagine if you wanted to switch out of your family. Now imagine you really could. Would you still want to? I think it would be the hardest thing to do, ever. Say screw these guys all they did was give birth to me I do not want them anymore. Then going and picking a new family. Wow, what would you look for when you picked your family? Would you really care? Or would you just pick at random because after all you can just switch out again. Or maybe you could only switch once. What if you picked wrong? That would suck big time. Luckily I do not need to think about what if because my family rocks your socks.
You know who else rocks your socks? You guys. My friends, they rock your socks. Seriously who could ask for a better group of friends, when I got home from the airport with my mom 5 of my friends were at my house waiting to see me. YAY! I feel special. I already miss everyone and it has only been two days. Blah.