The Association Meme: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
Partly it's the dichonomy. You hate the X-Box and it's ilk, yet you own one. I just find that to be funny. Also, you're one of the only people I know that has one.
1. Glomping 2. Dancing while driving 3. Infectious laughter 4. (That little black-and-white character on all your stuff - please help with name) 5. Wordless squeals
3) It's not so much the quality of your driving, as it is that the first time we ever really started talking we were driving back up from Sakura con in Seattle. Ever since then, we seem to have as many conversations on the way to or from somewhere.
Comments 12
1. Tiny dogs
2. X-box
3. Call waiting
4. Japan
5. Bold hair colours
1. Ragnarok
2. Cosplay
3. Kitties
4. Sailor Moon
5. Pillows
Also I want to play in this Meme game too so pick me...DO IT!
1. Glomping
2. Dancing while driving
3. Infectious laughter
4. (That little black-and-white character on all your stuff - please help with name)
5. Wordless squeals
4) Sky says: "Rain on you"
4. "But first you must call and tell of dificulties."
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