Date created: 2002-10-19 08:53:21
Journal entries: 458
Comments: Posted: 6,536 - Received: 7,437
Last year, I made
this post. Time changes and circumstance does too. Somewhere inside me I know I want to make a post celebrating the second year of me keeping a journal but there is nothing significant to write for a supposedly memorable post.
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Comments 22
[Madlove where you go in life. :-*]
[Same to you, darlin'.]
[I don't really know you here, but I do wish you well in any and all future ventures. It's been fun reading your Adam.]
[It's always my regret not to have interact with you more. My fault, really. It's never easy to start a conversation and keep it going for me. But you've been a wonderful Jude. I love reading yours as well. I love Jude/Adam G and Jude/Drew.]
[I know you haven't posted much lately, so I'm not terribly surprised, but I will miss the hell out of seeing your updates on my friends page. Take care of you, Adamshaped. Thank you for all the pretty icons you made during the glow-y phase. I don't think I'll ever get rid of this one. It still is and always will be one of my favorites.]
[You'll be surprised. ;) Do you remember Scotty?]
[oh jeeze! Scotty... wait, wait-- OH I DO. alskdjf damn! I've known you since the beginning of my whole great big wild journey here, haven't I? That's insane! Hee.]
[Oh there's more. ;)]
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