Month of Love VII!

Oct 02, 2013 09:16

Firstly, thanks to everyone who added some prompts to the post last week -- they were fabulous! So excited to spread the AR love!!

A/R Month of Love VII

Join us this November - click on the links below to find out more!

A/R MoL is a month long celebration of A/R. Members sign up for one (or more) day(s) of the month (this time around it’s November) and, on your day, you post to the community anything you want: fanfic, icons, vids, artwork, comics, picspams, picmanips, whatever you can come up with, as long as it has A/R in it, incorporates your prompt, and generally spreads the love! Members can still post whatever they want in addition to MoL posts.

We would love everyone to be involved. Here are some other ideas of things you can post on your day:

Recommend a favourite fic, vid, piece of artwork or icon set. Explain your choice and how it fits with your prompt.

Talk about a favourite episode that includes your prompt as a theme.

Post screencaps or screencaps with text added using Paint featuring your prompt.

• If you want to volunteer, leave a note in the comments, and ALSO note your preferred date. First come, first served... so note a backup date too, please. We'll comment back and confirm your date, plus put your name on the calendar.

• If you would like to create a fic, a vid, icons, artwork, etc, please post something new/unpublished.

• If you are reccing, please do not rec your own stuff as we’d love to spread as much love as possible.

• Cross-posting is okay, but PLEASE do not post anywhere else BEFORE your designated publication date. We'd like adama_roslin folks to have the first viewing. :)

• All posts should go behind a cut, to save everyone's friends pages from getting too cluttered.

• If you aren't going to be able to finish your piece on time or if you need to drop out for some reason, please let us know asap so we can trade your date with someone later in the month, or so we can get someone to fill in for you.

• If you would be willing to fill in (pinch hit) at the last minute for someone who has to drop out, please let us know this as well.

• When you submit your post on Your Special Day, please note what you're posting (title, type of work -- vid, fic, etc.) and rating (if applicable). Clearly mark all submissions with appropriate warnings for potentially upsetting content (character death, non-con, torture, smut, what have you). This way, folks who don't want to check it out can just pass on by. Please also note that it's for the A/R MoL.

• As was mentioned in MOL VI, this may seem obvious, but... since this is the A/R Month of Love, not the BSG Month of Love, your lovely contribution must in some way incorporate both Adana and Roslin. It doesn’t have to be shippy, but we are celebrating A/R. Creative work involving Roslin or Adama can be posted/cross-posted here at any time, but for MoL, while you are of course free to use other characters in your work, let’s show our love for the pairing.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments or PM me, I'll be happy to answer.

Most of all, have fun and help spread the love!


1. soul mates
2. phoenix - afrakaday
3. seduction - aka_plynn
4. work out - bowlsohard
5. mutiny - o_banaa
6. hope - skybirdday
7. other lives - astreamofstars
8. prophet
9. New Caprica
10. sickbay - rococoms
11. wrong choice - somadanne
12. family - rogersmeed
13. sex in an unusual place
14. rain - zaleti
15. new life - rococoms
16. headscarf - defyingnormalcy
17. model ship
18. desperate - michiruwater
19. dress grays - miabicicletta
20. dawn - afrakaday
21. power - singerdiva01_sk
22. getting caught
23. Kobol - larsfarm77
24. domination - altitudeandwine
25. red - larsfarm77
26. one last dance - avertia
27. military
28. second chances - defyingnormalcy
29. belief
30. Founder's Day

Pinch hitters: astreamofstars, afrakaday, larsfarm77, aka_plynn

mol: vii

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