In short because I have a fever. Yesterday a recording got to the media on which the Prime Minister said things like they were lying for months and so on. The opposition party started saying that the whole government should resign, and hundreds of protesters went to the Parliament yesterday. Tonight, aggressive protesters went to the nearby centre building of the Hungarian National Television, and have started attacking. They now got into the building, the police coordination is awful, the television stopped broadcasting, staff was evacuated, protesters burnt a lot of cars and so on. There was never anything like that in this country before. Well there's always a first time right?
No, the attack was on the National Television in the centre of the city. I work in a much smaller television in another part of town. I wouldn't have gone there in any way. So don't be happy for my fever, I'm not very comfortable with it.
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I'll go back to bed, I have to get my fever down.
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