Review from a NON-Glambert

May 14, 2012 10:02


So, let me start this review by pointing out that I am NOT an Adam Lambert fan. I was not impressed by his American Idol run nor did I like his first CD. With that said, I made a promise to a friend, whom happens to be a Glambert of the first degree, that I would listen to this CD objectively and give it a fair shot.

So, with that said, let’s see what we have here.

1) Trespassing: A really great sounding, catchy track that mixes modern dance beats with a rock track that just screams Another One Bites The Dust.

2) Cuckoo: Huge beat with a great vocal. Almost has a Michael Jackson-ish vocal styling a la Billie Jean. This one should definitely be big in clubs.

3) Shady: Songs starts with a HUGE beat that almost sounds like a cross between Foreigner’s JukeBox Hero and some Steve Wonder style funk. Once again, another huge sounding song that should be a hit in clubs. The production quality so far is top notch.

4) Never Close Our Eyes: Adams vocals really shine here. He sings this in an almost Savage Garden Darrin Hayes way, weaving flawlessly between the raspy low end of the verses into the sustained higher notes on the choruses. Great tune with another huge dance style beat.

5) Kickin’ In: I’m hearing some Prince influence all over this one. The beat is another huge sounding groove but it’s funky as hell as well. Once again, Adam weaves between the high and low end vocals without missing a note.

6) Naked Love: Another big sounding song. Not my favorite but I don’t hate it either.

7) Pop That Lock: Big sounding song but I can’t help but feel this has been done a hundred times by other artists. Definitely think this one should have been left to someone less talented than Adam.

8) Better Than I Know Myself: The first slow song on the CD. Big backing beat with a great vocal delivery. Once again, delivered without all the over-singing that I hate in pop singing.

9) Broken English: Another slower song with a big vocal delivery by Adam. Again, another song that I think could have been left off without really being missed. Has some cool dub elements mixed throughout though.

10) Underneath: Slower song that once again screams of an almost Darren Hayes style vocal delivery. Adam sounds really great here. His vocals really shine with only sparse keyboard backing throughout.

11) Chokehold: Great song delivery here. The bass/guitar mix is perfectly laid over a sultry, raspy style vocal by Adam. Definitely a radio hit in here somewhere on this one.

12) Outlaws Of Love: Another almost Savage Garden style delivery here. Adam really lets his voice shine here. Great restrained style vocal laid over a sparse style drum track.

13) Running: wow! just wow! My favorite track by far, thus far. Superb vocal delivery here over a track that just swirls around you like a tornado. This will definitely make it’s way into the playlist for my radio show. The dub style flair at the end just puts it totally into the stratosphere.

14) Take Back: Another huge sounding beat with a classic Adam vocal on it. I can definitely see this one making its way to the clubs as well.

15) Nirvana: Great song to end the CD. A really great mix of singing, electronic elements, and a really cool sounding drum track. Lyrics are very cool on this song especially.

Conclusion: Overall, a really great CD by Adam and his band. My biggest knock against Adam was his habit of over-singing on songs in the past. He has almost entirely avoided that here opting instead for a more laid back yet still dead on style that flawlessly weaves between his subtle, raspy low end and his ability to hit notes most singer couldn’t dream of. I love that this CD has a huge Darren Hayes/Savage Garden style to it. And please, do NOT take that as me saying Adam is copying Darren’s style. I mean that in a VERY POSITIVE light/way. While there are a few songs here that I think could/should have been left off, this CD really has a great number of songs that impress even me, one of his biggest critics. This has monster hit written all over it and it should have. This has flawless production throughout with a great mix of rock, pop, electronica, and dance.

Thanks to Lacy Carper for making me listen to this.  Adam should reward you for helping convert a non-believer.

Kudos Mr. Lambert, Kudos. You’ve made me believe.

SCORE: 7.5 of 10 (lose tracks 6,7, & 9 and this jumps up to a perfect score.)

STANDOUT TRACKS: Running, Chokehold, Shady, Cuckoo

EDIT: It’s been pointed out to me that the musicians that played on this CD are NOT the same ones that play in Adam’s touring band. I was not aware of this at the time. I’m new to the whole world of Adam so thanks to those that pointed out my mistake. Also, keep in mind that I don’t think the tracks I named are BAD songs, just songs that I think would be suited for someone else. With all that said, thanks to everyone for making this go viral and being so awesome. You guys/gals rock!

review, album: trespassing

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