Name: Tanchan
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Characters already in the game: None!
How did you find us?: I was recced here by another player!
Character name: Lansa Brannon
Fandom: OC/Ragnarok Online (that is, he's set in that universe, but he's an Original character)
Timeline: A year or two after he got out of prison
Age: 44
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: He can use and release energy with his fist or his weapons--the closest equivalent I guess would be like "chi" blasts? They're pretty potent but he can only use a few at a time; being a knight his magic pool isn't the best. He's also pretty physically strong. He can heft a heavy sword or battleaxe, or toss a guy.
How would they use their abilities?: By helping out anyone that would need it! And righting any miscarriages of justice he sees, of course.
Appearance: Lansa's a pretty fearsome guy at first glance! He's got a somewhat pale complexion, with heavy permanent bags under his eyes, pale green eyes and light slate-grey hair. His hair's usually worn up in a loose ponytail, but when it hangs down it reaches to just past his shoulders, with choppy bangs. He always has some sort of hair growth on his face, usually a five o'clock shadow or a scruffy beard across his jaw, simply because he neglects to shave. His most prominent features, however, are two scars that run across his face. One is a deep, white one which starts under his right eye and cuts horizontally, taking a chunk out of the side of his nose, while the other is a vertical scar down his left cheek, down to his chin. The second one creates a large gap where a part of his lips are torn away, permanently revealing a few teeth and part of his gums (definitely not a good feature for first impressions!). He has many more scars all over his body, in various depths. His face is round, with square, blunt features. Overall, Lansa's built like a bulldog--stocky and muscular, pretty thick all around. He stands somewhere between 5'10 and 6'. Usually he wears either the
default Lord Knight armour (albeit with a different colour scheme: light blue, red, and gold, and scuffed, with much of the paint worn down), or, if he's being more informal, a turtleneck and leather pants (or denim, once he figures out it exists!)
Ref 1 Ref 2 (more cleaned up than he usually is) Background/Personality:
The Kingdom of Rune-Midgard is one of the three major countries in the major continent of Midgard. Loosely resembling Europe in the middle ages, it is made up of scattered City-States, each with its own culture. The capitol of this is Prontera. Flanked by its satellite port city, Izlude, Prontera is the headquarters for the Knights' Chivalry, one of the two major organisations that keep order within the country. These Knights protect the King, the Capitol, and the people.
From his childhood, Lansa dreamed of riding with the league of knights that his country was so proud of. At the age of 15, his dream came true when he was accepted to the Prontera Chivalry. For the several years that followed, he moved up the ranks in the knighthood, either travelling through the country or keeping order in his beloved hometown. That changed when he was in his twenties: a rash of murderers spread through Prontera, the targets being mostly young adults, especially women. Sections of the Chivalry, including Lansa's squad, were called in to investigate, acting as the impromptu constables. However, despite their searching, there were almost no traces that would lead them to who was responsible for the heinous crimes.
Lansa had begun noticing an odd pattern--many of the murdered girls had been seen in the company of a particularly beloved nobleman. The man often contributed to the city, both to the government itself and to charities, which, especially in the financially-troubled Kingdom, was looked upon favorably. He was young, charismatic, kind--there was nary a person who disliked him.
But Lansa's hunches kept growing as more and more girls were murdered, all somehow distantly related to the nobleman. There was no evidence whatsoever, though. Even then, Lansa brought his concerns to his leader, as well as a few of his friends. Unfortunately, without evidence and considering the man that he was accusing, it was brushed off. Investigations weren't nearly as objective as they were in the modern days, and the thought that such a beloved citizen could commit such an act was considered unthinkable.
Lansa still wasn't convinced, however. The breaking point came a month later: Lansa's best friend had been engaged for some time. One night, Lansa realised that the nobleman had been acting rather familiar with his friend's fianceé. Again, nothing criminal, but considering he had takled to her several times already (elite members were often invited to noble soirées, whether as guests of honour or as guards, and sometimes their family could come along), and adding that to his own suspicions, Lansa became agitated.
A sharp man, but rather impulsive at times, the young Knight decided to take matters into his own hand. managing to steal into the nobleman's chambers during the party, Lansa waited until the guests had left, and the nobleman came in. Once the door had closed, Lansa took up a sword and slaughtered the man. It was quick, but still bloody.
It didn't take long for the house guards to arrive, followed by a squad of city knights--Lansa's own squad. Caught with blood still on him, the sword still in his hands, there remained no doubt who had commited this particular murder. He was taken away in shackles.
Normally, the penalty for murdering, or even attempting to murder such an important person is death, but Lansa's captain intervened on his behalf. He would be thrown in the dungeons underneath Prontera, instead. That was the only thing they granted to him, however; none of his old friends wanted to have anything to do with him after that. All of them turned away as he was escorted off.
And so, Lansa spent nearly twenty years of his life down there. It was there that he acquired his many scars, his vulgar speech, the dark areas under his eyes. For the first several years he was deeply depressed--he had felt he had done the right thing, but at the same time, he knew he deserved to be punished for the murder. Lansa never actually found out whether the man he had killed had been responsible for the deaths in his city; news was not so readily available in the dungeons. Overtime, he began to adjust to prison life. After those first few years, he began to branch out into attempts at human contact again, finding an odd kind of comraderie within some of the other prisoners. He didn't make any friends that lasted too long--people came and went, and the rate of death was incredibly high, but he did find a new lease on life. Lansa became less judgemental, began to realise that every person had their own particular life story. He became more accepting of change, willing to give things and people a try before judging them.
A little more than twenty years later, Lansa was pulled out of his cell and led up a long flight of stairs, back out into the light, informed that he was free (it wasn't that the system was lenient, but organisation tended to break down after a few decades--most of the incredibly heinous criminals were, after all, executed off the bat). Lansa was released into a world that had moved on without him. Technology had made advancements: the country to the north had perfected an engine and had built a fully functional airship, something unheard of from when he had gone underground. People had changed, cities had disappeared; he really didn't know where anyone he knew was.
Lansa set out to attempt to find himself a job, but his appearance, rather rough demeanor, and slight clumsiness did not endear him to any potential employers--or anyone for that matter. He just wants to move on with his life, but it's hard with no money! Hopefully things will be better on the Thor.
Despite his fearsome appearance, Lansa is friendly, and is always more than willing to approach people, curious with who they are and where they came from, especially if they're out of the ordinary. He likes to swap stories, and, if asked about something, will ramble almost endlessly, sometimes moving into tangents upon tangents, not quite realising how much he's talking. One of his favorite things to talk about are particularly gruesome prison stories, either of brawls or other violence he's witnessed, though occasionally he'll talk about some of his old escapades with his squad.
Due to spending so long with the dregs of society, any filter on his language that Lansa would have had is gone. He has a tendency to curse, talk loudly, and talk about all manner of inappropriate things in the most inappropriate situations. Despite everything, he was still a knight, and the code of chivalry still remains with him--he makes an attempt to act more "gentlemanly" around women, though he isn't always necessarily successful.
Lansa tries not to judge people, and even if someone is rude to him, he'll try to turn the other cheek and remove himself from the situation, preferring not to start a fight. The exception is when he sees a miscarriage of justice: he detests anybody breaking laws (he believes he deserved the time in prison, since he did murder a person), and harming other people--especially when it has to do with women and children. When it comes to that, the normally mild-mannered Lansa will snap--if he can't alert any authorities immediately, he'll try to apprehend the individual himself in order to bring him to the proper authorities.
He's disciplined and an earnest worker, and is not afraid of hard work.
However, he is an overall friendly guy--maybe a little clueless sometimes, maybe a little brash, a little annoying, but his intentions are all for the best.
Why should that character be in this game: He’s friendly and absolutely loves meeting new people! …and he kind of needs a job, of course.
Why do you want to continue their history here: For characters from other games only.
For applicants considering an alternate version of a character already in game, please use this as your chance to explain the key differences between your character and the one already in play:
Have you read up on how the game works?: Yep! The plugin is FlamingFerret, and the ways to get money are missions, theft, and mooching!
1st person sample:
[There’s static. The feed turns on, turns off, and then turns on again, as if somebody is struggling with turning the power on. A large eye comes into view, obscuring everything else. It blinks a few times.]
Yeah, hey? Someone there? Hey!
The voice is clearly a loud one, but it’s directed away from the microphone-at least at first. A moment later, there’s a closeup of a mouth, shouting into the camera lens and fogging it up, the microphone picking the noise up at almost ear-splitting levels.]
‘Ey! I never used one o’ these before, anyone there?
[The eye again. Blinks once, twice, narrows, trying to see through the camera, as if it’s a peephole. Even though the guide already has told him how to use this thing.]
Hey! Well! If anyone’s out there-I mean, they say there are tons ‘a people on here, right-if there’s anyone out there, I’m Sir Lansa Brannon, reportin’ for duty! Thank you very much!
[the camera moves away, showing a brief glimpse of a man’s face, and then the feed shuts off.
…and turns back on again, the view going from the side of the hallway to the inside of a pocket. someone sucks at this.]
3rd person sample:
“Are you an idiot!”
Lansa’s never liked being yelled at, especially not by superiors. He’ll take it, but he doesn’t have to enjoy it. Especially if it might mean the loss of another job (the fourth in three weeks). He flinches, and tries to reason with the old, balding man behind the desk.
“Sir, I…”
“I told you to hunt and kill the wild boar terrorizing the outskirts of Prontera, not drag it through the main street! Blood! Everyowhere! And everybody knows that I was the one that hired you!
“Yes, but-“ But he’d been exhausted, and if he’d used the back roads as he’d been told, he doubts he would have made it. He’s not like an ant or a beetle or anything, carrying that thing was hard.
“And then you just drop it in here!” A gesture at the shaggy, blood-matted corpse by Lansa’s feet, which is slowly accumulating a puddle underneath it.
“Well you asked to see me and I-“
“Get out!”
“But sir, I-“
“Hey, please, are you sure, sir? I can take care of it-“ He still doesn’t really see the problem-It’s been raining often, and there had been another thundercloud nearing the city as he dragged the monster towards the hunting office; surely the rain would wash it away?
“Just. Get. Out!”
Lansa sighs, hangs his head, turns to leave, and then pauses, glancing back at the huge, dead pig on the ground. A lot of meat on it. And no coin in his pockets…
“Can I take that-Hey! Hey! Yeah, fine, yeah, I’m going!”
He narrowly dodges the timepiece thrown at his head on his way out.
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Yep!