sequel-in-spirit to 'dreaming of space and speed'

Mar 25, 2009 02:06

This is what struck me, one night, as I was falling asleep. And then I had to roll over and fumble for the laptop. (doesn't everyone keep a laptop next to their bed for those emergencies? *g*)

Also, can I say that squishing this format into html is a pain? :p

Words falling slow quick

Rattling onto the page

Beauty is truth
Lazy blue arched sky turning toward the edge

"That-that's not what I meant."

"You told me I had to write."

Remembering Farsi and how it felt to say /beloved/ in it

Listen to the wind, John.

Sometimes he remembers, and all that he can do is gasp with it, throwing his head back.

"I know it's voodoo. But-but maybe."
"I don't know, Rodney. Why don't you try it?"

Catch the lightning, my boy.

folsom street blues.

"that's not how it goes."

"Johnny was a deep man."

Wind and water and the sky above it all.


dona nobis pacem.

