I'm making a
generator. What follows is a list of the content so far. Further suggestions will be gratefully receieved!
Everything's cooler with zombies!
Wouldn't high school AU for this fandom be hysterical?
I double dare you to write a fic consisting entirely of dialogue!
Epistolary stories are a prestigious literary tradition.
Write what you know; try a Roman a Clef!
Hmmm, what about a Shag Or Die fic? High stakes porn > regular porn.
What's needed here is a plot that's actually a thinly veiled duplicate of a Shakespeare play!
Musical episode!
Make #Yuletide happy. Include tentacles.
It's Yuletide09 and we're kicking it old skool with a fic that takes these characters back to the very beginning.
Futurefic! Futurefic!
I think you should write a fic where they have to go undercover as strippers!
Clearly a roadtrip story is what's needed.
You could write an AU in which THEY NEVER MET! (Or did I just blow your mind?)
One of your characters is being blackmailed. Who by? What for?
Not the real Dread Pirate Roberts? Write a fic in which one of the characters has been replaced by an imposter.
Is it just me or does that one character have an incredibly embarrassing phobia of some sort?
Every fandom needs a Groundhog Day story.
This fandom needs to be written noir style.
Sometimes all you need is a good old Slice of Life story to hit the spot.
Well, I am in the mood for some SOUL CRUSHING ANGST. How about you?
Can I have a missing episode fic? I really love the canon and would like more of the same.
Rocks fall. Everybody dies. Who comes back as a zombie?