Quiz thingy stolen from rainyseasongirl

Oct 15, 2005 00:17

X your confessions:

[ ] I'm afriad of the quiet. Not afraid of it but i sure as hell hate it sometimes and it's really bothersome... i can't sleep without a constant noise unless i'm very exhausted or am just about to keel to sleep

[ ] I am really ticklish. But i do have my ticklish spots though... lol

[ ] I'm afraid of the dark. Love the dark, hate the light especially when trying to sleep.

[ ] I'm afraid of facing my back to open doors at night. Never, lol...

[ ] I am homosexual. Nope, but i sure can seem like it somtimes lol

[x] I believe in true love Of course i believe in true love.

[ ] I've run away from home. Thought about it before, just had nowheres to go back then...

[(x)] I listen to political music. *Chokes* (Correction, Green day is supposedly Political so i guess i do lol)

[ ] I collect comic books. I have a few but those were ones i gotten for free or they were given to me... but essentially no i don't collect them, Manga on the otherhand ^_^

[x] I shut others out when I'm sad. Yep, definately... i've done that so many times... it's almost like a habit, but i've learned that i shouldn't shut everyone out... i should tell someone rather than having the "I'll take deal with this on my own, i don't want to concern anyone else with my problems no matter who they are..." ideal...

[ ] I open up to others easily. Sometimes... it all depends on who it is... but it usually takes some time  for me to open up to others if i really do at all... i for the most part only will if i feel comfortable with doing so and if i trust them...

[x] I am good at keeping a secret from the world. you can't crack me. I am fully capable of doing so, especially if i want to...

[x] I watch the news. Used to watch it alot, though i can't really say i watch it that much now... rather seldomly now really...

[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs. Nope...

[ ] I own something from Hot Topic. That makes me sad x_x~... but i actually believe that i don't... that will soon change though ^_^

[x] I love Disney movies. Certainly like some of them lol...

[x] I am a sucker for eyes. That i am.

[x] I don't kill bugs. only ants in my house...

[x] I curse regularly. Hell yes i do lmfao

[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name. Nopers

[x] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation. Probably have... but probably intentially

[x] I love Spam. Spam is good just not on the internet...

[ ] I bake well. My baking skills are probably sub-par... haven't really had many chances to mess that up...

[ ] I have worn pajamas to class. Maybe this year... Mesa be sleepin in those too... lol

[ ] I have owned something from Abercrombie. Not that i know of...

[ ] I have a job. During the summer Landscaping

[ ] I love Martha Stewart. I think not, bleh

[x] I like/love someone. Indeed i do ^_^

[x] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS. LOL MayBe WhEn I'vE BeEn BoReD LoL

[x] I am self-conscious. At times yes...

[x] I like to laugh. I do... i just feel i don't laugh enough sometimes...

[x] I have tried alcohol. Cheapass Table Wine at school... Bleh... next time if i ever drink anything again, better taste better than that crap...

[ ] I drink alcohol on a regular basis. If i had some at my house all the time... and as many times as i've said i wanted a beer before... i'd probably be an alcoholic, especially since it's in my blood... just like smoking, if i have a few drinks or a few smokes... i'll probably get addicted...

[ ] I have tried a cigarette. No... but i wouldn't mine trying one of those Cherry smoked flavored blunts one day... they smell good lol... i wish all smokers only smoked those lol... then i would never be bothered by their smoking...

[ ] I have smoked a pack in one day. Not hooked or have tried it so nope...

[ ] I loved Go Ask Alice. Never heard of it... really...

[x] I have cough drops when I'm not sick. I actually have taken some when i wasn't sick but that was only because i wanted some kind of taste in my mouth... tastelessness sometimes bothers/annoys me... especially on long boring days...

[ ] I can't swallow pills. I can but i don't like bigass pills...

[ ] I have many scars. can't say i have many scars right now... but i do have some.... though i may in the future... i unnos

[ ] I've been out of this country. Hawaii doesn't count... darn...

[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room. I can, as long as i know it is not looming right above my bed... which is never...

[x] I love chocolate. With a Passion lol

[ ] I bite my nails. Nope, otherwise i wouldn't have my nice long black nails right now that i do have... hehe

[x] I am comfortable with being me. I used to not be comfortable with myself in the past... but i am now

[ ] I play computer games when I'm bored. Sometimes... but not reciently

[ ] Gotten lost in my city. Not really... to small to get lost in...

[x] Seen a shooting star. Definately

[x] Had a serious surgery. Two surgeries that if i did have i would have bleed to death... yeah that's serious enough... XD

[ ] Gone out in public in your pajamas. Not really... night-time with very little exposure doesn't count...

[ ] Have kissed a stranger. No... actually, maybe one day if i decide to do that if i want to freak some peoples out lol...

[x] Hugged a stranger. Many of times, definately...

[ ] Been in a bloody fist fight with someone of the same sex. Nopers

[ ] Been in a fist fight. No again...

[ ] Been arrested. Probably have been close a time or so...

[x] Laughed and had some type of beverage come out of your nose. Haha yeah... a few times...

[ ] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator. Not all but alot.

[ ] Made out in an elevator. Nope, never had the chance yet... lol

[x] Swore at your parents. Probably a few times, never  ended well though...

[x] Kicked a guy where it hurts. Yeah probably once at least on accident... though i've been kicked there many more times then i've kicked out...

[ ] Been skydiving. I want to though...

[x] Been bungee jumping. Yes i loved it!

[x] Gotten stitches. Left Pointer Finger is a fine example XD

[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. I want to try that lol...

[x] Bitten someone. Definately ^_^

[ ] Been to Niagara Falls. Nope

[x] Gotten the chicken pox. When i was young, around 4 yrs old i'd say...

[ ] Crashed into a car Thankfully No... i've had a close call though...

[ ] Been to Japan. I want to go there So Badly!

[ ] Ridden in a taxi. No... suprisingly not...

[ ] Shoplifted. Nope, i usually pay for my stuff lol...

[ ] Been fired. Haven't really had a job to get fired at...

[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back. Yeah... that'd have to be my X-GF there...

[x] Stole something from your job. Probably something small on accident lol...

[ ] Gone on a blind date. Nopers... don't plan on it either...

[ ] Had a crush on a teacher/coach. LOL, no.

[ ] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Never been.

[ ] Been to Europe. Nope

[ ] Slept with a co-worker. XD no.

[ ] Been married. Much too Young.

[ ] Gotten divorced. No, hopefully i'll choose the right person the first time around...

[x] Saw someone/something dying. Mainly Animals... but i've seen some people die one of those slow deaths due to strokes and stuff like that before... really sad...

[ ] Driven over 400 miles in one day. Not Yet... probably at most 130 or so in a day...

[ ] Been to Canada. No, but i'd like to go though.

[x] Been On A Plane. Quite a few times on the trip to Hawaii and one time to florida and back...

[ ] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Nope, but i've heard of it

[ ] Thrown up in a bar. Nope

[x] Eaten Sushi. Yup, Squid and i didn't even know what it was at the time i ate it lol.

[x] Been snowboarding. Yeah it's hard... XD

[ ] Been skiing. Nope

[x] Been ice skating. Yes in a rink and i actually got that down alright over time... took a few hours of pratice though... mainly working on my balance...

[ ] Wanted to break up with someone but couldnt bring yourself to do it. Freind wise that has happened to me...

[x] Cried in public. Let's go back to elementry school... yeah i remember one day i was like that but i have no idea or rememberence on why... well i think it Might have been the fact my Grandmother i loved so much died very reciently then... yeah... that was definately a day of Mourning&Laments...

[ ] Walked purposely into traffic with your eyes closed. If given the right mood and thought combination... who knows... but no i haven't done that...

[x] Liked someone even though you knew you shouldn't have. Yep those are called crushes... Which i've had quite a few...

On another note i must say *techincally* Last night's Football game and all was pretty Crazy lol... Good thing it all didn't get to my head like i thought it might have XD, though i have to admit it was rather amusing driving around martinsburg and seeing alot of meat wagons *Ambulences* rolling around and Popos *Cops*  following them... i saw at least 10 sets of em... you know someone got messed up tonight... especially since the score was 32-0 Total Shutdown on Martinsburg... Jefferson Wiped the Floor Clean with them lol... Nice to get to meet a few new people and see some familars from JHS.
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