Title: This Did Not Happen (and Nothing Is True)
Fandom: Uber - South of Nowhere
Author: L.N. James
Note: This Act is for montreal, written in reference to her story
7 Days in July. Which you should read please, not because of this, but because it is perfect)
Act II: Big Blue Marble
"We are mapping out the universe and we are laughing at the distances
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Comments 2
I don't think it will come close to revealing how deep inside my head I think we all have these moment. Markers from the past that eventually become our present. How lives intertwine and it takes years to remember how it all began, sometimes never truly figuring it out. I just, GAH, loved this.
I love how you captured Spencer as a child (all legs made me giggle) but I could see the picture so clearly in my mind of her awkwardness she'll always possess but that will later turn bit more graceful in the presence of Ashley at moments. It's just so beautiful.
So thank you for unlocking this. Is there anywhere else I can read you work (besides the damn locked forum!).<3
Unfortunately, all I've got out there are little short stories on that forum. I haven't bothered to put them up here yet because they were just practice for writing these two pieces; this was kinda like the last hurrah for me. Thankfully jengrrrl and isawsparks are still writing!
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