The sudden urge to set off alone

Jul 27, 2006 20:16

Last couple of weeks have been weird and wicked. I've been to a Jesus festival called Jesus Festival, danced to Madonna's music like I'd actually like it and been deeply touched by Stallone's role in Rocky at 4am.
However, I chose to make my entry of the brilliant day I spent in Finland's southernmost city, Hangö.

You may or may not remember my first entry that included weird stuffed bread, a huge pig/duck and Finland winning the Eurovision Song Contest.
When it comes to me, not much has changed: I'm 21, female and live in Finland, the pearl of North Europe.

Thursday, 14th of July 2006

G'morning dear horny bees. Now get outta my way and give me some fair trade coffee and yogurt&oat.

Have to check out your new posts, of course. Second on the list: Postcrossing. I browse through some cards others have received and fall in love with this. Can you name the artist?

Some hair magic. Turned out a bit funny 'cause of the lack of time, but will do.

Dunno what tricks they have done with the sand, but these have been here for weeks and are still holding together.

I thought that 30 minutes should be more than enough for me to walk to the train station, but I end up running the last kilometer and barely make it.
Catching my breath, I browse through this booklet a Dutch friend sent me. The author goes on and on about Dan Brown in the prologue.
I notice that my Dutch is still pretty crappy.

I change the train after an hour. It's so tiny! Never been to one of these. A nice granny and her cute dog keep me company and tell me useful things about Hangö (well the lady at least). I'm such a wussy for not daring to take a pic of them, so my doodle is what you get.

I decide to visit the non-touristic side of the city first, just in case I'd see something that's actually interesting.
See that Marlboro text that's been covered? Cute.

On the footsteps of graffiti artists on some backyards where I probably shouldn't be.

Mini golf? No?

The train lady advised me to check out this art exhibition. I kinda like the fruits, and for 900€ they could all be mine.

A beautiful shop of used books and magazines. An old Swedish teen magazine with a Beverly Hills theme sort of caughts my attention. Ah, nostalgia.

Hello beach, I like the look of you.

During the years 1880-1930, nearly 400,000 Finns and Russians emigrated. Of these about 250,000 passed through Hangö, traveling first to England and then on to the USA, Canada or Australia.
This monument is for them.

A nice Swedish-speaking lady sells me this sign for fifty cents.
Happy and alone
I can stay here
without having to answer
intrusive questions
I guess it's meant for decorating your outhouse.

One of the best moments. I visite Hangö museum and have a long conversation with this amazing lady (yea yea, too shy to take a pic).
We talk about sailing, fears, love, and hair colors and Hangö of course.
What a great inner light she has.

I buy these from the lady. Hangö youth in 1909 and an old map of Hangö.

I find an old rusty roof that I climb up to. And then I focus on looking constipated.

They are having some weird soccer tournament. Some boys have TEAM PORNO written on their chests. Bad music, beer and teens. I move on.

Picnic on a cliff. I look at seagulls and naked babies running on the beach (that sounds a bit weird, I guess).
They sell some damn good unleavened bread around here.
Ever had this sudden need to take a pic of your feet?

The water tower is huge. I marked a bicycle to give you an idea of the size.
Sadly, the stairs are closed, so elevator it is.

The wind is hard, but the view is beautiful. Could stay here forever, if I wasn't freezing (and leaving the city in half an hour).

In the train again.
Reading about Johnny Depp's hunkiness and Materazzi's stupidity.
A Swedish Economy paper tells me about new "luxury snuff". Selling snuff is illegal in Finland but allowed in Sweden.

And finally I reach my city. Only 1,5 km to home.
This shows you quite well how Swedish is a Germanic language (like English, German etc.) and how Finnish isn't.
Did you bring you flippers with you? asks Donald Duck (or Aku Ankka, as we say).

I want that tray thingy, but haven't yet dared to step in to find out how damn much I'd have to pay for it.
These shoes are the cutest little things.

No bush lurkers, please.
Apples! I love this town for all it's apples.

EU environment meeting going on at the hotel nearby. Lot's of police men who would arrest me if I ever dared to take a pic.

Home messy home. Don't get to enjoy it for too long, for I'm told to come and drink some beer.

They have traveled 600 km just to see me. Well ok, to see Turku, but I'm of course an essential part of this city and it's atmosphere.
Sitting by the river, admiring ducks and drinking the cheapest beer there is. (Thanks guys, I knew I could trust you.)

We head to bar I've never been to, cause it looks so suspicious from outside. I end up liking it a lot and also get some better beer.
Sailor has joined us. These people are the best.

Bright light, bright light! Ah, much better. Good night. Thanks for your company.
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