FFFFFFUCK I FORGOT IT WAS TODAY i was travelling most of it don't judge me THIS WILL RUN 4TH/5TH THEN OKAY? OKAY.
- Post a comment with the characters you play.
- Offer constructive criticism/help with characterisation/etc to other players. If all you have is praise, try to be specific as to what you like about the character - "I love the way ____ handled ____, it seemed really IC" > "YOU'RE AWESOME AND ILU". Try to save that for the love meme. :]
- On that topic: This is neither love meme nor anon meme. The word for the day is constructive where possible, and any malicious or intentionally hurtful comments can and will be removed. Be civil and your point is much more likely to get across! <3
- Not mandatory, but highly encouraged. We won't force you, but the more people that participate the better.
- Anon commenting is on, but please don't abuse it.