I'm happily divorced as of Jan. 08 and am 8 months into a much healthier relationship.
I love animals - I have a Toy Poodle, 2 Tabs, and a Siamese I like to call "The Trumantor".
I don't really know what I want to do in life yet. Perhaps something in the Veterinary field. I've put off college until I can decide.
I used to work with large breed dogs doing rescue and obedience and with any luck, I'll be working with them again by this time next year
Fall is my absolute favorite time of year & I have a small obsession with Halloween & everything related.
I'm a bit of a nerd. I enjoy video games and read a lot.
I hate twilight, twitter, and most reality tv shows.
Check my user info for more info + pics.
My journal.
Since my journal consists of my personal life, thoughts and feelings, I keep it friends only.
When it comes to adding - I'll give just about everyone a fair chance, but I'm very selective about who stays on my friends list.
I believe that everyone is free to write whatever they like in their own journals.
I'm pro-choice as well as pro gay marriage. I also happen to be agnostic. I don't tolerate arguments in my journal when it comes to my opinions or beliefs. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. I'll respect you if you respect me.
I write about your typical day to day stuff, but I try to keep it entertaining.
I update on a regular basis and I comment often unless I just don't have anything to say - or don't have time.
What I'm looking for.
Intelligent, mature, and friendly.
Updates & comments on a regular basis.
I don't expect comments on everything, but I do enjoy getting to know my lj friends.
If you twitter a lot, you won't be added / or you'll quickly be removed.
I dislike kids so if you're a parent who talks about your kids a lot, I'm not going to be very interested so you're probably better off not adding me.
You can comment here or on my friends only page, but please tell me something about yourself in your comment otherwise you won't be added.