GOODBYE GOODRIDANCEmyownnitemaresAugust 26 2004, 10:08:55 UTC
Hey fucker. Sum up all the emotions you can while you have time. Say goodbye to everyone you have to... you have no clue how bad you fucked up... I cant wait to see you at college. he he he you have no clue. College is going to be so entertaining this year....
HE HE HE MOTHERFUCKERmyownnitemaresAugust 29 2004, 15:59:44 UTC
Eric come talk to me face to face...... I would love to have a chat with you. than your lil bitch friend can tell you who you can fear. Coem on eric come pay a visit. <3 ya honey pie.....
:) I am glad to hear I make you smile :) I am going to send so much love your way..... BIG HUGS Eric..... I hope your smiling when I see you next.... Smile Eric :) cause after that you wont be for a good long time...... :) much love eric much love
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