Title: IluvuDemi89
Disclaimer: No one could possibly own Selena or Demi.
Summary: Sequel to False Hope. Selena goes back to LJ.
A/N: Thanks for all your awesome comments. You inspired me to write more.
Selena Gomez had made herself promise that she would never visit the site again. Yet here she was posting something that she herself had written. All of her deepest secrets were about to be revealed. Not that anyone on the site would ever realize who it really was. They would just assume it was another fan who thought the new Disney stars should be together. They would never know the truth.
Selena quickly realized that only members of live journal could post a story. So she quickly made one. The username was something that was quite simple. Yet it spoke volumes for the young actress.
After creating the account she felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulder. She had declared her love for her best friend on line. It did not matter that no one would ever realize it was actually her. She would post her story and maybe she would check later to see if she had any comments. Selena loved hearing from her fans, even if they had no idea it was her. Selena even tried to picture the day that she revealed herself as the author.
Selena sighed shaking her head before she posted the story. She didn’t want to lose her nerve. She had written very personal things about her and Demi’s relationship. She figured it was safe as Demi, to her knowledge, had never used LJ before. She had always been a twitter fan.
For almost three months now, since she had discovered the existence of the community, Demi Lovato had been posting her own stories of her relationship with her best friend. It had started off as a way to admit her feelings to the public, without actually admitting them. Then it turned into so much more. She had used it as a way to write down the various dreams that she had begun having.. It was a way to cope with them. It was a secret that she had been keeping from everyone.
Demi clicked on her friend’s page to see if anyone had posted anything new. It was rare that she would read other people’s work, but there had been quite a few that had caught her attention in the past. There were even fewer where Demi had thought it possible to leave a comment. It was then that a story caught her attention. It was the username that had sealed the deal. IluvuDemi92. She let a little bit of hope rise inside, but she quickly pushed it down. There were a lot of people that had been born in 1992. It didn’t necessarily mean anything. Yet Demi found clicking on the journal.
Title: Diary of a Pop Star
Summary: The day Selena Gomez realized she was in love.
We were always supposed to be together. I think on some level I realized that even when I was seven years old and you had asked me to sit on your jacket to color. If I had been old enough and knew the concept of love at first site I bet that’s what would have been flowing through my mind. But it wasn’t until years later that I truly realized. There had been many sleepovers and many nights were I would find you snuggled close to me. Yet the day I realized I loved you was different. It changed everything.
You were just about to go on your amazing headlining tour. I remember I couldn’t find the words to explain exactly how proud of you I was. You were living your dream and even though I knew I was going to miss you with every fiber of my being I knew I had to let you go. Everyone deserved a chance to see you in concert and hear your powerful voice. I didn’t say it at the time, but I knew I couldn’t keep you all to myself forever.
I had put on the Notebook, because I knew it was one of your favorite movies. I never really liked it and for me it had gotten annoying a long time ago. We had watched it so many times that I knew I could recite every line just as I knew you could. I didn’t watch the movie that night. I found myself watching you instead. I found myself loving every expression that crossed your face depending on what part of the movie that came on. I loved how you quietly mouthed the lines that you knew so well.
My head was resting on the headboard and my eyes never left you. My body felt like it was on fire when your hand brushed against my leg. Then when you had rested your head on my shoulder I had felt fire shoot through my arm. I often wonder if you felt the same because I remember a smile crossing your lips even though it wasn’t a happy moment in the movie.
I played with your dark hair in my fingers like I always did when we watched a movie. I wished we could stay like this forever. I wished you didn’t have to leave me to go on your tour. I wished we weren’t famous Disney stars and I could keep you to myself forever. But I knew that wasn’t the case. I knew I would this secret inside of me. I would have given up everything to be with you, but I never wanted you to have to give up everything to be with me. The next day after you left for your tour I cried in my room all day as I blasted your CD. I knew my life had changed. I knew we would never be the same. Maybe that’s why all these years later we’ve drifted apart. I can’t keep this secret it. I wish I had the strength to tell you how I really feel. Maybe that would heal my wounded heart. Maybe then we could go back to the way things used to be before our careers took over our lives. Maybe we could be Selenalenalena and DemDem once more.
It was shocking for Demi to think of how realistic these stories were starting to become. She had never read a story that had delved so close to the truth before. She had never told anyone about that day, not even her mom, and how she spent her last night at home watching movies with Selena. Then it dawned on her. Maybe it actually was Selena. Was this really been the reason that her and Selena had drifted apart in the last few months. Demi felt hopeful for the first time in months. She would have given up everything as well to be with Selena. Demi posted a single comment knowing that if this was actually Selena she would understand the meaning of it.
RoCkStAr92: I bet Demi would comment with: I <3 my Lena Bear