Title : The sky is falling Author : addictivemonkey Pairing : KyuWon Rating : PG-13 Genre : war!AU, angst Warnings : character’s death Words : 1 391 Summary : Siwon is everything a good warrior should be. And everything Kyuhyun is not. ( READ )
Siwon is everything a good warrior should be. And everything Kyuhyun is not.
The best summary ever? idk, I just love it! <3
He looks around, taking in the surroundings - men talking to each other with hushed voices, men comforting their wives, hugging and kissing their children.
That totally reminds me of some old movie scene. Love the atmosphere of it.
Their squad stops near a forest. They don’t have a roof above their heads, they don’t even have tents. They lie on the cold ground with arms folded under their heads instead of a pillow.
Forest Gump suddenly popped in my head!
Now, it’s their lives - cold ground instead of the bed, stars above their heads instead of the roof, the embrace and soft kisses instead of home.
Babe~! Why so freakin' beautiful? /shakes with you
He didn’t see Siwon wrath, Siwon’s black eyes, the strength Siwon attacked the man with. He couldn’t feel his large hands on his cheeks, neither he could feel hot tears dripping onto his cold face
( ... )
Comments 19
i can't....
Thank you for reading <3
Ok, ok <3
Siwon is everything a good warrior should be. And everything Kyuhyun is not.
The best summary ever? idk, I just love it! <3
He looks around, taking in the surroundings - men talking to each other with hushed voices, men comforting their wives, hugging and kissing their children.
That totally reminds me of some old movie scene. Love the atmosphere of it.
Their squad stops near a forest. They don’t have a roof above their heads, they don’t even have tents. They lie on the cold ground with arms folded under their heads instead of a pillow.
Forest Gump suddenly popped in my head!
Now, it’s their lives - cold ground instead of the bed, stars above their heads instead of the roof, the embrace and soft kisses instead of home.
Babe~! Why so freakin' beautiful? /shakes with you
He didn’t see Siwon wrath, Siwon’s black eyes, the strength Siwon attacked the man with. He couldn’t feel his large hands on his cheeks, neither he could feel hot tears dripping onto his cold face ( ... )
Seriously. I love you.
Siwon is everything a good warrior should be. And everything Kyuhyun is not.
Yeah, I know, I like it too XD
*huggles you back*
I'm soooo happy you liked it <3
This is so sad, yet beautiful. ;-;
Thank you for sharing.
don´t know why, but I like kyu-angst, and you even wrote such a lovely fic about my favorite OTP
thank you ^^
Thank you very much <3
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