Title: Looking for An Answer Pairing: Yama, but mostly its Gen Genre: Angst, Drama Rating: Pg-13 Summary: He was gone. For ever. Warning: Character Death. And also a very heavy and dark theme, I guess Disclaimer: Nope, I only own the plot
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It was a relief that Jun was there to save him ne~ (and i cant help myself my juntoshi heart is whining for it to be written LOL) Yes, aiba is such a sweetheart and I do believe that even at tough times he'll keep on smiling, and it'll make everyone feel better! Thanks for reading and commenting, dear, the next chapter is up! <3
Did Sho actively try to kill himself, or was it a case of him being too broken and exhausted to try and not die? I hope that Aiba doesn't fall apart from trying to hold everyone else together. I don't which of them to worry about more. Thanks for posting this even though you are crazy busy at the moment.
Hmm, it wasnt like he was actively trying to kill himself, though he wasnt against the idea either XD Yeah hopefully Aiba would be able to stay strong for them! Thanks for reading and commenting dear! It's my pleasure!
Comments 15
But thanks for reading even though it makes your eyes sweating :')
Anyway thanks for reading and commenting, dear! <3
Poor my Sho~ thank godness Jun was there 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
Thanks for reading and commenting, dear! <3
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Yes, aiba is such a sweetheart and I do believe that even at tough times he'll keep on smiling, and it'll make everyone feel better!
Thanks for reading and commenting, dear, the next chapter is up! <3
Yeah hopefully Aiba would be able to stay strong for them!
Thanks for reading and commenting dear! It's my pleasure!
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