Title: Masquerade - Crumbling
(AO3)Pairing: Juntoshi/Yama
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: His father told him that love eventually happened. But no one told Satoshi how much he had to struggle to make it happen, or if it really was going to happen after all.
Disclaimer: I'd never be able to own them, they're Johnny's
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Comments 39
Addieeeeeeee~ you broke my heart since the first story of Masquerade and now I can't stop my tears (´;Д;`) how could you~ 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 Poor my Yama~ *crying in the corner*
Anyway,, have you opened your LINE dear??? I mentioned of you about something important!! Read it PLZ!! XDD
But anyway, as always, thanks a lot for reading and commenting!
Also for your request, please be patient for it! I'm definitely going to make it! <3
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting, dear! <3
Why so sad .. (╯︵╰,)
My heart beating fast when every moment I saw your updates about this fic...
Poor three of them ..
Its really heart breaking ..
.. Actually I'm scared about the ending of the story .
Anyway the last chapter is up already...maybe you'd like to check them out? XD
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting, dear! <3
Thank you for those beautifull fics. I read them all and for real I'm crying and can't breath after finished them. TT--TT
I am sorry but I'm so speechless here. ^ - ^
But thank you very much for reading and commenting, dear! I truly appreciated it! <3
And thanks for reading and commenting, dear! <3
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