Title: Masquerade - Closure
(AO3)Pairing: Juntoshi, Yama, and also...
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sometimes, to choose is a punishment. But sometimes, it is also a blessing.
Disclaimer: Nope. Only own the plot, that's all.
A/N: AAAANDDD ITS OVER XD Gah, it's a super long chapter! I think this is the longest chapter I've
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Comments 30
This Is Satisfying. That's Basically My Comment. I Have No Words. This Was A Great Series. Thank You. ❤👭
hah I Knew It Was Matsumiya :p
and look i'm the first to comment, yay!
And yep its matsumiya, was planning for it to be junba at first but aiba didnt really fit the ending so (im sorry aibaby)
Thank you sooo much for reading and commenting, dear! <3
P/s : im glad that my instinct is right, or i would say you make it right. XD
Thank you very much for reading and commenting, dear! <3
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting, dear! <3
I will definitely write more happy juntoshi in the future! Thanks for reading and commenting! <3
I really love the ending phrase you put on it. So sad, yet beautiful and heartwarming. It made me teary eyes. :"
So glad for their happiness. :)
Thank you for writing and sharing~ :)
Thank you very much for reading and commenting, dear! <3
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