Title: Masquerade - Closure
(AO3)Pairing: Juntoshi, Yama, and also...
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sometimes, to choose is a punishment. But sometimes, it is also a blessing.
Disclaimer: Nope. Only own the plot, that's all.
A/N: AAAANDDD ITS OVER XD Gah, it's a super long chapter! I think this is the longest chapter I've
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Comments 30
Thanks for this! And I'm happy you posted a Juntoshi <3 (Need to read it later!!)
Yeah, Ohno's father wins big time :/ Can't do much about it tho XD
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting, dear! <3 *kisskiss*
But Nino is a saving angel <3
It's happy endings for everyone but still it's bittersweet
But thank you for sharing this series.
Its bittersweet yes, but i hope it'll be the best for them? XD
Thank you very much for reading and commenting, dear! <3
This ending is really nice!!!!
I love it.
I felt like jun was tortured in this universe haha. He did nothing wrong, he just loved. Him killing himself would have been the icing on the cake... i think i would like it more if he actually did. Hahaha! But Nino becoming his saving grace became my own too! If only he got over his love for ohno too, then it will really be his win. :3
Thanks for sharing. You just know what to write to keep us all wanting for more. Haha.
I am not one to actually read juntoshi cause i kinda.. uhm.. well i really am not fond of the pairing.. but i seriously don't regret reading this <3 the characters~~ the emotions~~ everything felt so real. I was seriously tearing up. Gah. I am sooo glad J didn't kill himself. Soooo glad Nino had been there. And sooooo friggin glad that O had come to love Sho.. cause really, i felt each and every one of their emotions. How miserable they all were. Gah. My heart is still hurting. I'll forever be grateful that I felt even the littlest bit curious about the plot because if it wasn't for that, i would never have had the pleasure of reading this awesome fic.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful thoughts with us. <3
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