Desirata attempts to talk rationally and reasonably to the Foreign Minister Ezekiel Trask in Begma City, Begma. He is having none of reasonable conversations.
Begma! It is full of Begma-ness. The City itself continues to be Begma City in all its amazing, steampunk, Victorian glory. The Government Center is extremely busy today, as Parliament is suddenly full and now there is a great amount of Pontificating. The Ambassador from Pathi to Amber is admitted to Foreign Minister Ezekiel Trask's office, most certainly, and then forced to wait quite a while as other people come in a hurry in and out of the office. Finally, the secretary allows Ambassador Desirata into the very oak paneled office of the Foreign Minister, a thin, greying man in a black suit who looks, to put it mildly, angry.
Desirata is calm, and does travel with a retinue of guards. They're as somber and quiet as the woman. They are dismissed to the outer ante-chamber and strangely, sit to wait patiently for the woman. There are no weapons presently seen upon any of their persons, but well.. they're Pathians.
"Thank you for seeing me, Minister Trask, especially on such a somber occasion," Desirata states and offers a small bow to the man.
Ezekiel Trask looks intensely uninterested. He continues to peer at papers in his hands and then says, finally, "Yes, of course." He looks up at Desirata and says, "Please take a seat. I would like to know why your country saw fit to burn down our Embassy without warning." He comes and takes a seat behind his desk. "If you would care to share."
Desirata shakes her head. "I assure you that no 'true' Pathian would lay siege to Begma or her embassies," she replies while stepping towards a chair. "It was meant to be the illusion of our people."
Ezekiel Trask's stare is quite cold and then he taps his finger on a letter sitting on his desk. "I have a report here, from the eyewitnesses," he says. "It states that four Pathi mages, of blue, green, red and brown, walked into the Embassy, murdered Acting Ambassador Booker and seven clerks, and burned the building. Is it not true that four mages from Pathi stepped into the Embassy? Were they not Pathi-trained mages?"
"It is possible that they were Pathi trained," she remarks and laces her hands together. "But what is a simple robe? Can they not be acquired anywhere? We do not hide how our men fight, minister. But four mages of four different factions," she queries. "Are you aware of the work by the renegade mage, Pliny? Were I to hazard a guess, then it does have his trademarks."
"We had men walk into our Embassy, use /magic/," Ezekiel Trask says with a hint of undiplomatic disgust in his voice, "and murder our Ambassador and clerks. Parliament has already taken up this issue. They are in session now. And I assure you, the outcome will be a demand of reparations, Ambassador. We are not interested if your citizens are 'renegade' or not. All that tells us is that you cannot keep your citizenry from committing acts of terrorism on other nation's soil."
Desirata shakes her head. "Minister, this is clearly an act of the Road. Every action, and even down to the simple act of merely donning a robe and wanton destruction." She smiles faintly. " But Magic is a broad term, and we do not claim every prestidigitator who calls themselves a mage. Minister, I'm here to offer aid for my People. This attack has wounded us both. Your embassy for the horror that has occurred and my People for being implied the perpetrators."
Ezekiel Trask pounds his fist on his desk, points at Desirata and says, "We are not interested in your offers. We will make demands and we will insist they be repaid! This was an act of war. Exactly what we demand is up to the PM, but we will make our demands and they will be met in return for our Embassy!"
"Minister Trask, this was an act by the Black Road." She replies and shakes her head. "If you wish to call war on the perpetrator, then Pathi wil be there assisting in the fight. What you have flawed reports that state that only that a colored robe and magics was used. Begmans are prized for their intelligence, surely they see this for the ruse that it is? How long has our embassy stood just across from yours and remained unmolested? If it were meant to be an act of war, why would we not sail against the city, but rather attack the embassy?"
Ezekiel Trask stands, points at Desirata and roars, "How do we know that this was not an attack from Pathi and you are here to simply cover up the actions of your countrymen? We know all about magic, madam! This looks to me like you are here on a mission of nothing more than a shameless cover-up for a botched operation! The Foreign Ministry of Begma will have none of this foolishness! We know this was merely a shot across the bow to warn us of pending Pathi Hegemony on our sacred soil! So I say to you, Good Day, Madam. Good day!"
Desirata rises and shakes her head, looking to Trask with a strange look of curiosity. "I'm sorry you feel this way, Minister Trask. Perhaps you will come to understand that Pathi wishes only peaceful attentions with her sister nation. That we are just as disgusted by this act against your people. Good day, Minister Trask. Should you wish to discuss this matter, or to speak further, you are welcome to contact me at the embassy. I am at your disposal to answer any questions." She offers another polite nod, and stepping towards the door.