(no subject)

Jul 22, 2012 19:44

Name: Jennah
Age: 23
Occ: President and Founder of a NONPROFIT Organization for helping struggling families
Kids: 1 boy, Roman, 4 years old
Marital: Recently divorced and seeing someone new

Recently, my best friend of 9 years and husband of 4 split for some chick and a life free of responsibility and left my life is total ruins. He is no longer in my kid or my life, and while my kid is still devastated, it's what's best for everybody, especially my son. After not being able to get a job for almost a year after my ex left, and not being able to get into school, I decided to help others who were in my situation or like it, struggling period. So now my job is President of an up and coming nonprofit doing just that.

I'm just now learning how to date and recently got my heart broken pretty badly after a short but intense relationship with a schoolteacher, and I'm now beginning to see someone new, which is pretty scary after my track record, hahaha. I've gone from being a teenaged heartbreaker to a socially inept and emotionally scarred single mom, which is making not only dating a nightmare but getting my nonprofit off the ground difficult.

When people look at me, they usually think, hardass or metal or punk rock but I'm a bubbly giddy giggly mess, and I'm fasciated by the dumbest things. I'm an absolute nerd, from a long line of nerds, from books to math to finance.

wow, i'm bad at this. ok, basically i can be a hot ass mess because i'm still learning how to fly. i'm 23 year old single mom of a 4 year old who just built a nonprofit to help struggling families because i hate seeing children suffer, and basically i have alot on my plate but livejournal sometimes keeps my sane. i've had an LJ since like 2002 (but like 10 names) and i could never live without livejournal. i get depressed and i get stupid, i'm a 23 yr old single mom ffs and every day i'm learning. i'm not a bitch but sometimes i come off as it, because some people can't handle someone who refuses to sugarcoat the bullshit. if you're being stupid, i will call you out and i expect the same.

if you don't want someone's 2 cents, DON'T ADD ME! if i comment, it's because i have something to say, not "aww that sucks that your boyfriend cheated on you", i will say "get a fucking grip and leave him!". i'm a realist, people and if you can't handle it, i will tell you right now, do not add me. i'm a rare breed. also, if you have something nasty to say, expect something nasty right back.

if you do add me, please update and comment regularly. i'm not looking to beef up my friends list numbers, i'm looking to expand my friends, read more journals and have more read mine.
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