Title: Battle Dance.
Pairing(s): Arthur/Merlin.
Warnings: Uhm. Very, very badly written contest scenes. Some slightly OOC behaviour.
Spoiler(s): Nope.
Word count: 3039.
Rating: PG.
Summary: Arthur is a Pokemon trainer, Merlin a coordinator. When Morgana deciedes to enter a contest, Arthur is dragged along for the ride. He just never expected to be
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Comments 10
Can I kiss you? Please?
So purdy.
Also, I effing love Merlin's shirt and trilby combo.
And Arthur would totally have an Arcanine. <3
You may. *Puckers up*
Lawl. So do I. x3
He would have. Plus, Arcanine is one of my favourite Pokemon - along with, incidently, Charizard and Dragonite - so someone was always going to have on. It just fit best with Arthur.
This was orginally meant to be longer, actually. I don't know what happened.
I have other things that need working on, though, so it's probably good I didn't spend all my time on this. Maybe in the future I'll add to it...
He is called Nova.
He is the absolute bomb.
*snogs you*
I always wanted a shiny Charizard, because they are epic, but yeah.
I also never nickname my Pokemon. No idea why, I just don't. Probably the reason no one in this fic did. xD
*Is snogged*
Thank you - I am glad you liked it.
Was it really?
I didn't think it was very in character. I thought it was all a bit random.
( Mostly because it was. )
This was good, a few extra contest rounds (...unless Sinnoh contests are different in the anime...I dunno XP) but nice appeals. They seemed pretty in my mind.
I hope Gwen's Eevee evolves into an Espeon...they're the best evoloution.
So yeah, very cool fic ^^.
I hate making Poffins, what can I say. Let's all just battle and be done with it. x3
They...have the appeals, and then the fight-y bits where they have...two rounds? Or three?
IDEK. Like I said, I've not watched it for a while now, only caught bits of episodes, so yeah.
I like Glaceon and Flareon, what can I say. Flareon was always my favourite Eevee-lution, up until Glaceon appeared. I love ice Pokemon, but a lot of them aren't that great. Glaceon and Lapras be epic, though. x3
They have 1 round of appeals then the coordinators with the...4 best scores I think battle eachother...if I remember at least.
They're both cute but I just love Espeon. Lapras is awesome.
You are poncy.
Trainers FTW.
As far as I can gather, there is the appeals and then they battle until there are only two left. But I'm not really that sure, to be honest with you.
Pft. Flareon and Glaceon FTW.
I never had an Espeon. For some reason, psychic types never really appealed to me.
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