Title: Always Right.
Pairing(s): Bradley/Colin.
Warnings: Randomness, more randomness and really bad humour.
Spoiler(s): Sadly, I do not think any of this has happened or will happen, so no.
Word count: 1215.
Rating: R.
Summary: Bradley is insistent that he is always right. Colin thinks otherwise.
Author's Notes: I have no words for this, other than I
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Comments 22
'“Good look with that. We’re all mad here.”
Sadly, Bradley was actually right about that one.'
That made me majorly lol. Anyway just loved the whole thing XD
Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed it. x3
Quoting Alice In Wonderland clearly makes me a cool kid. *Nods sagely*
Under LJ cut though, please? My F-list is being expanded.
Sadly, I think this is what I am actually like when I argue with my friends. Actually, I KNOW this is what I am like. But they do say write what you know. x3
Thank you - I'm glad you liked it. xDD
Put what under the cut?
Sorry, I'm stupid. x3
And, the story.
So, leave the header there, and then have a cut with the story under it, ditto for the other stories. xP
Sadly, the argument for physics being pointless is actually mine. I used it on my friend and she just stared at me and went, "You really are an idiot, aren't you?"
Of course I know that I am brilliant, but whatever. xD
That is actually brilliant. Fr srs. I've always wanted to put post-it notes on someone while they sleep, so when they get up they are a post-it monster. I think this would be epic.
Put the story under a link? O.o
*Is confused*
I just post everything in LJ. So the link would just lead...to another post.
I feel very stupid right now.
Yeah, a couple of people said that. I think I would have just joined in. xD
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Thank you - I'm glad you liked it.
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