Title: Shur'tugalar Rïsa.
Pairing(s): Arthur/Merlin, a bit of Arthur/Gwen, and a bit of Gwen/Lancelot, even a bit of Merlin/Morgana. Later on, anyway.
Warnings: Violence, dragons, elves, magic. Y'know, fantasy stuff.
Spoiler(s): Nope. None at all.
Word count: 3913 for this chapter.
Rating: PG. At the moment, anyway. Different chapters may change.
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Comments 72
I can't find a working scanner ANYWHERE here but if i do i'll scan it asap :)
Thank you soooooo much. I can't wait to see it. x3
And I have not been working on it because my plot bunnies hate me.
I've applied for two films for the reel_merlin challenge. I am about half way through one ( it's nearly 8500 words, I kid you not ), and once I've finished both of them I promise I'll do chapter ten before going back to anything else.
How is that? x3
Can't wait to the challenge fics in any case but OMG yay, you're gonna finish shurgula!!!! ok, now I better get searching for a scanner..
Fanks. x3
Haha. One is based on PS I Love You ( the one that is not getting on for 9000 words. Gah ) and the other on Made of Honour. x3
Well, I'll finish chapter ten. >=]
I have a bunch of stuff started, but I'll do chapter ten first, because, YAY, ART. xDD
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