I'm currently on vacay in NYC, so updates are very sporadic and comments non-existant until I get back home on Monday, but I'm not actually ignoring the LJ world. ;)
Hey! J'ai lu tes posts et trouvé ton livejournal sur Heroes-France.com et tu as l'air vraiment sympa et tu as de bon goûts (en l'occurence les mêmes que les miens XD) We share the same tastes and you seem really nice (like me). Cand we add each other? Thanks :D
Friending you because I just took a gander at your icons and we obviously have stuff in common :) Heroes, House, Firefly/Serenity, and a growing love for Zachary Quinto :)
Comments 155
I'm currently on vacay in NYC, so updates are very sporadic and comments non-existant until I get back home on Monday, but I'm not actually ignoring the LJ world. ;)
J'ai lu tes posts et trouvé ton livejournal sur Heroes-France.com et tu as l'air vraiment sympa et tu as de bon goûts (en l'occurence les mêmes que les miens XD)
We share the same tastes and you seem really nice (like me). Cand we add each other?
Thanks :D
Heroes, House, Firefly/Serenity, and a growing love for Zachary Quinto :)
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