i touched down in MA at about 7am after leaving CA at 10:35pm. thankfully, i was able to sleep a decent amount. i've already unpacked my bags and am trying to decide if i'm going to go right back to bed now or just wait a bit and take a "nap" later.
happy thanksgiving everyone! hope you all have a great time regardless of where you are or who you're with. thanks for giving me some great friendships. you get extra poins if you've ever fed me or given me booze.
hey folks... i know quite a few of you are fantastic photographers so i could really use your help in figuring out the best digital camera under $500. i've got an old sony but it's 2.0 megapixels so i don't think i need to justify the upgrade. my dad has a canon eos (rebel?) so i clearly took pictures the entire time i was home. i miss taking sharp
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also, check out some videos that adam, mike, and myself have put together. for some reason some of the videos look fine on youtube and the others look like a talking butthole so please excuse any transfer issues. enjoy
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