I could have done that, you didn't have to ask the dog!

Oct 29, 2009 17:08

Wheeeee! I've been more excited than a 10 year old for The Sarah Jane Adventures today and it was awesome!

I loved it! Really liked Sarah Jane going all girlish and silly and believe that those early days were quite genuine. She just got swept up in wanting something normal for once, but of course mind-control was necessary to get her to shut down Mr Smith. It'll be interesting to see whether Peter really has feelings for Sarah Jane. He referred to the Trickster as 'the angel' so presumably has no idea of how evil it is, but the empty house suggests he's more than a little dodgy.

Honestly, every time the Tardis noise happened I actually squealed out loud with glee; I'd love to see some of the kiddywinks reactions to this - they must have been sooooo excited. I'm also really loving Clyde and Rani's interactions - the bit where Rani was making them drinks, checked them out to see which glass had more in, and then gave Clyde the less full one was brilliant. As was his initial, gossipy-housewife reaction to seeing Peter for the first time and Rani ordering him away. Although the rivalry between Mr Smith and K9 is, quite possibly, my favourite thing ever! Mr Smith is so put out, it is hilarious!

I really can't wait to see the Doctor's interactions with the kids tomorrow, though am hoping that Sarah Jane's discovery of Peter's betrayal isn't too tragic.

Hurrah for kid's television! Though I can't believe I don't have an SJA icon - time to fix that!

when i grow up i want to be sarah jane, tellybox

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