I've had a ridiculously busy day but do not want to fail at the first hurdle in my new 'posting regularly' scheme! So, nabbed from spectralbovine, it's the first lines meme!
1. Pick 10 of your favorite books or series
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Yes, I read it a long time ago. I remember not really liking the ending but I don't actually remember the ending. Which is kind of funny if I think about it.
Yes, now you've said that I think I remember being a bit unsatisfied by the end, but can't recall why either! I think it was quite an open ending? I'll have to reread it now!
Comments 6
3. The Master and Margarita
4. Watchmen
5. Northanger Abbey
7. I vaguely remember this YA lit-ish but draw a blank on what it actually was.
5. Austen, Northanger Abbey
7. Smith, I Capture the Castle
8. Flaubert, Madame Bovary
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