1. Tell you one of the many reasons why I first befriended you.At first, and still, I found you to be a boisterous, entertaining entity with a wealth of knowledge, often entertaining in and of itself; and I prefer to hang about with a smarter crowd...stoners are boring.2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word etc. (no guarantees that it will make sense to you!)Some kind of sentient psychotropic mushroom...no idea why.3. Tell you one of the many things I like/respect/envy about you.Great knowledge, good taste in a variety of fields, and kindness. Self-interested/centre'd people are boring...and Ayn Rand smells like turnips germinated with dark energy.4. Tell you a memory I have of you.Hmm, what's a fun one...ah, standing around in the apartment around 2:40 am, engaging in animated discussion while approaching the door slower than most snails because no one in the room is really done with the discussion.5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you.Hmm, this is a tough one...blank checks tend
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Comments 2
Okay, this should be an interesting challenge for you . . .
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