Your English Skills:
Punctuation: 100%
Spelling: 100%
Grammar: 80%
Vocabulary: 20%
Does Your English Cut the Mustard?[ surprise there; haven't found a language yet that I can do well on vocab. ]
You Are a Night Person
For you, there's nothing worse than having to get up and moving early.
In fact, you probably don't hit your peak until well after the sun has set.
So if your struggling to make it on a normal schedule, realize it's not your fault.
You just weren't meant to do anything during the day!
Are You a Morning Person or Night Person?[ earliest class this term is noon. Coincidence? I think not. ]
Your Travel Profile:
You Are Well Traveled in the Western United States (42%)
You Are Somewhat Well Traveled in the Midwestern United States (25%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in Canada (20%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in Southern Europe (20%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in Latin America (13%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in Asia (4%)
You Are Untraveled in Africa (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Australia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Eastern Europe (0%)
You Are Untraveled in New Zealand (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Scandinavia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Western Europe (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the Middle East (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the Northeastern United States (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the Southern United States (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the United Kingdom (0%)
How Well Traveled Are You?[ Tokyo is 4% of Asia. Mexico is 13% of Latin America. ]
You Are 36% Evil
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
How Evil Are You?[ Weee! The most dangerous kind of evil! ]