FIFTY things you might not know about me---erase my answers & put in your own, then repost in your journal.
1. what is your middle name? Lynn
2. what size is your bed? Queen, only because that's the maximum tolerated by my current apartment. Bigger apartment = Bigger bed.
3. what are you listening to right now? 'Trouble' by Mutual Admiration Society and my space heater.
5. what was the last thing you ate? Fortune cookie 'friendship is the key to happiness'
6. Last person you hugged? Josh
7. how is the weather right now? Cold and sunny. Deceptively sunny. Don't be fooled. The cold is still there.
8. who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Confidentiality policy means I can't tell you :)
10. do u have a G/F B/F? Wow! this question brought to you by a 12-year-old! And yes.
11. do you want children? Do I have to make them myself?
12. Do you drink? Yes.
13. ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? just that onc....those few yes. it happens.
14. hair color? right now? red at the moment, considering blonde next.
15. eye color? Blue/green/gray...who needs a mood ring?
17. favorite holiday? Yes, viylette, dragon*con is a holiday. the best one.
18. favorite season? Summer
19. ever cried for no reason? More often than I cry for a good reason.
20. last movie you watched? All the way through? um...Serenity? Not really sure.
21. how many mirrors are in your room? One. but it's BIG.
22. whats your favorite song? ummmmm...Volcano?
23. have you ever stole from a store? Not on purpose. I did walk out of a party city holding a keychain once, and I didn't go back and pay for it. but it only cost a quarter, and it was a week before halloween, so I felt my time was worth more than my honor. Whoops :)
24. do you enjoy the sensational taste of starbucks? is it white chocolate mocha? Is it caramel apple cider? Is it the bitter tears of emo kids who liked independent coffee shops better? It doesn't matter, they're all delicious.
25. does the word "horcrux" mean anything to you? I feel like it should. Is it a harry potter reference?
26. do you have any friends of the gay preference? Not many, but yes. Far more of the 'any gender will do!' preference.
27. do you think jesus is great? We get along ok, but I don't know about great...
28. is cheese like the best food ever? Is it made out of hot chocolate? then no.
29. what books are you reading? Right now, Principles of Psychopharmaceuticals for the Mental Health Professional, and that's just because I'm helping write the Index. Which is pretty much the best part.
30. piercings? Just the ears these days.
31. favorite movie? meh.
32. favorite college football team? No such animal.
33. what were you doing before filling this out? See Above Index.
34. any pets? Leeloo!
35. dogs or cats? depends on the dog, depends on the cat. usually depends which one smells better and hurts less.
37. have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? I'm liable to get caught doing this at work...
38. have you ever loved someone? Of course.
39. who would you like to see right now? Loads of people. given my way, there'd be a party right now.
40. are you friends with any of your exs? One or two. not many. Usually I throw stuff.
41. have you ever fired a gun? once, and it knocked me ass over teakettle.
42. do you like to travel by plane? So much!
43. right or left-handed? Right-Handed
44. if you could be with someone right now who would it be? I'd like to go for the Josh-and-Leeloo combo.
45. How many pillows do you sleep with? 1, but I'd rather two. I just can't seem to get around to getting another one.
46. are you missing someone? Pretty much everyone who was ever more interesting than gamma-aminobutyric acid.
47. Do you have a tattoo? Yes
48. do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning? Are they on tv? then no.
49. are you hiding something from someone? Yes.
50. most annoying thing bout you? I expect that depends entirely on your point of view. To some people, my nudist tendencies are my most annoying feature. To other people, they're my only redeeming quality. it's a matter of perspective.