Aug 23, 2005 22:02
When you see those fucking shitty transports hauling cows to their slaughter, you ever think about just ramming it, and taking it out.
Jul 15, 2005 22:48
on gurney
table blue green off-color
saviour sits in golden lotus lap
his arms outstretched in a giant V
come one and all, gather within those
huge out limbed arms, in carny barker voice
i imagine, with a cane pointing to the folds
of the netherworld, and birth blue pangs
Apr 23, 2005 12:12
with quick glance
over ruined brick work facades
drizzle, splendid
another shattering
time, came the reply
I was merely passing through
I was merely a flash in the pan
I don't think you, or you will remember me,
just remember my goodness, my grace.
and with that, i say farewell.