
Jul 22, 2007 16:25

Hi. *coughs a little, and kicks the floor sheepishly*

So, about that book...

Is it safe to be a Snape fan again? Can someone think Albus is manipulative without being attacked? Also, I'd like to tell my mother I TOLD YOU SO. (Not that she'd ever read this.)

Percy!!! :-D
And Neville!!!!!! :-D

How the hell will they make this into a movie that a) makes sense, b) packs the same emotional punches and c) isn't rated R?

I need to go back and count how many times Harry gets naked.

Snape... I always suspected it'd turn out that way but :-(
Remus. Tonks. Fred. Hell, even Dobby. And a whole bunch of others. :-( :-( :-( :-(: -( :-(

The epilogue was... blah. Poor Scorpius. [ Edited to add: Perhaps it was worth it for the "bravest man I ever knew" bit. Still. ]

No Slytherin students fighting against Voldemort? Really? So "Hogwarts Unity" really does apply only to three houses... good to know.

And "Sev" is now canon. :-/

That's all I've got. My brain is too OMGFLAIL right now to make sense.
Hi to everyone, especially those from Team EBIL. Y'all know who you are.

spoilers, hp books

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