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Comments 12

vivalachlo May 2 2005, 03:50:22 UTC
GRANDOISE!! these answers r fantastico. yes..i still think ur paja should say..GO HAVE SOME HELP!! bc...i enjoy these venues and u would too if u could have occurrence. tehe :) it is tru that i do not tell u everything..but do u really want to kno about the sand in my vagina? wow. that wuz randy. I HAVE A BARREN DESSERT>..with a few cacti. i just laughed out loud at that. in this empty house. i feel insane. NEWAYS.
the mastriad thing made me chortle too..esp..ummm ummmm wanna do it? for i can actually imagine that. and itz FOONEE.

the end.


adj_to_noun May 2 2005, 03:52:34 UTC
yeah....it made me laugh as i was writing it...

and ur barren dessert has a patrol officer named OFFICER FABLOOBLA!!

he will cut down your cacti...for he loves a FULL barren.


vivalachlo May 2 2005, 03:59:03 UTC
a full barren.
it makes me think of.. a full barrel of chupachoola! yes. it duz. fabloobla. i can't get enuf of these ORGASMIC WORDS. wen wwill they stop coming??
get it??
i dooooo

but i love my cacti..and u cannot have them!


adj_to_noun May 2 2005, 04:46:02 UTC
fine...i dont want them.

i want your 'shnaka!!




hopeless914 May 2 2005, 14:09:13 UTC
HAHAHAHA! CAnt Breathe from laughing..


lishtamon May 2 2005, 17:35:24 UTC
clothes and sex?

minus the clothes, you'll get the sex.


evergreenmusic May 2 2005, 20:43:58 UTC
u comment whore


little late...but better late than never. precious_julz8 May 3 2005, 03:33:36 UTC
here you go hotness.

1) If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? my insecurity.

2) If you could bring someone back from the dead to hang out with for a day, who would it be? my friend emnet.

3) Would you rather have fame or money? um. money? i'm not really anxious to be famous.

4) If you could read people's minds...would you? it depends on the person. if it was my sister, then of course. but if it was a friend's i would be careful.

5) If they asked you to work at Abercrombie, would you? they already did last time i was there--but i'm too young of course. i guess i would, if there weren't any other options.


now for your questions-----------> precious_julz8 May 3 2005, 03:39:05 UTC
oh wait. i guess i ask you questions now???

1. what was your first (and only, so far) impression of me?
2. if you had to get a tattoo, what would it be of and where?
3. who do you trust with everything?
4. have you ever been in love? (not lust drew. LOVE.)
5. what is something you plan to do before you die?

not exactly original, but they'll do.



Re: now for your questions-----------> adj_to_noun May 3 2005, 21:46:16 UTC
1. what was your first (and only, so far) impression of me? I thought you were sweet and innocent. :)
2. if you had to get a tattoo, what would it be of and where? a small outline of a star on my wrist.
3. who do you trust with everything? no one...but...the MOST...chloe. (i have trust issues :x)
4. have you ever been in love? (not lust drew. LOVE.) as a matter of fact...I HAVE....i know..hard to believe right?
5. what is something you plan to do before you die? i plan to go skydiving before i die....and that could quite possible be the reason I die, but it would be ok..cuz thats what I wanna do before i die :)


Re: now for your questions-----------> precious_julz8 May 4 2005, 00:36:25 UTC
a star on your wrist

thats all i have to say


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