Title: Between the Bell Notes
Rating: R (Mostly for bad swears)
Spoilers: Torchwood COE, thru Episode 5
Pairing: None, really, (although Jack/Ianto implied)
Characters: Jack, Rhiannon Davies
Summary: Missing scene conversation set during the 5th episode of COE-to say anything more would be spoilery
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N: I guess you could say
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Comments 22
Shaky breath. That was *so good*. Powerful and clearly what happened. I could see that scene play out before me, and it was heart-wrenching. Jack's mental space right there -- gah.
He looked up at her and instead of the accusation and anger or suspicion he’d been expecting, he found pity, which was hard not to hate, just a little bit. One of the reasons he so desperately needed to get off of this godforsaken rock.
That bit about pity -- exactly. I'd be more coherent, but I'm distraught. Oh, Jack. Oh, Rhi. Oh, Ianto.
(But distraught in a good way -- you done good!)
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Really, really lovely.
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Good point about TW and money. I think Torchwood would have insurance of some sort on their employees. Ianto's family would be looked after.
He lurched a little when she suddenly pulled him forward into a hug, and he stiffened immediately, but she wouldn’t let go. Unrelenting, this one. His heart ached briefly at the thought that Ianto should have spent more time around her. Her voice hitched and she was shaking in his arms, clinging to the back of his coat. “You were in love, weren’t you?”
Oh...just heartbreaking.
o, i lOVE you for that
but now i'm crying again
It was... brilliant, seriously.
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