but may i somehow make up for it

Jul 19, 2004 22:08

Dude, he looks so good with his head shaved why he did it i do not know and why i asked him why he did it...i regreat, only because i hate it when someone ask's me why do you dress that way why do you cut your hair that way, fuckin artistically drained ass wholes give me this shit every day, some one need's a punch to the face, so i guess i'll ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

soadchika July 20 2004, 20:12:08 UTC
who shaved their head....and who was doing it in the bathroom..i'm confused.again


adolf_kevorkian July 21 2004, 00:50:48 UTC
Manny shaved his head hun, not completely but he psychoticaly looks buch now, and everyone thought me and some guy ..... did stuff in the restroom, it was funny like a ran over bunny

- De'void


king_kill July 21 2004, 00:40:38 UTC
ooh dude you and that one dude were awesome what was that crap he brought we have to come loose again

~ Johnny


adolf_kevorkian July 21 2004, 00:52:01 UTC
It was your guy that gave it to us, and why is his journal suddenly deleted

- De'void


hu!! king_kill July 21 2004, 00:56:28 UTC
what journal, Jay doesn't have a journal dude

~ Johnny


Re: hu!! adolf_kevorkian July 21 2004, 00:57:39 UTC

- D.v.


anonymous July 21 2004, 00:43:21 UTC
new photo shoot luis De'void, the invintation is routed and will come to your door by tomorrow

- Hayden Van Daus


adolf_kevorkian July 21 2004, 00:53:36 UTC
Dude if you dont call me and tell me what or when thing's are happening then i'll never make the date if you'de tell me on time hun i'de always be there and i think you know that

- D.v.


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