Well it is official...I cannot go on without an X-box 360. If you would like to continue to hear such funny quips as "You want it when!?" then send an X-box 360 to: Help the Poor Zellers Associates, 21B Upper Prince St., PEI, C1A 4S5. This is a life or death situation folks. Send now!!!
Tonight was amazing! Some little ass of a cadet made fun of Eddie Guerrero (one of my favourite wrestlers who died on satuday) and used "inappropriate language" in the proccess, so I made all of them stand with their arms parallel to the floor for 10 minutes! ahahaha
Well, 'tis been a long time since my last confession...I mean post. My life has been boring and pointless recently but still trucking through hoping to see a bright light at the end of the tunnel
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Ah, another night well spent at the Big Z. Yet this time Mr. Kilcup was there to keep me company. We chatted about lots of things, from pumpkins to zombies. I guess he is an alright guy after all.
Well... my attempt to sleep all day yesterday was not successful, but it did not matter...I worked my first night shift and just got home. It was great, much better than day shifts. No managers, no carry-outs, no pesky red shirts asking me questions, and best of all NO PAULA!!!! ah well.. I think I will go play my new video games for a while. lata!
Well another great week at the big Z!!! I am so glad that the weekend is here now and I can get trashed out of my mind!!! But for now.... It's Time, It's Time, It's Zelda Time!!!