Hey Members and Watchers...
Even with extending the Deadline of the "Header Challenge" there weren't new entries at all, so we're having 4 headers now and since it's only 4, I'm not gonna make a complicated voting, I'll only put a poll online where you can choose your favourite header and the winner header will be your new Community Header then... as soon as the voting is over, I'm gonna change the layout and work the new Header into it... so please members and watchers and so on: VOTE... It's also for you and you decide which Header will be the new one for
adommy_contests Here are the pretty shiny Headers:
(Click to make them bigger)
Poll Favourite HeaderDeadline for the Voting is Saturday, 19th February 2011
Oh, and don't forget to enter Challenge 007 - Tommy Smiles here:
community.livejournal.com/adommy_contests/9727.html We definitely need more Entries! ;-)