Challenge 011 - TOMMY B.A. (Before Adam)
Sorry this challenge is a few days late. You will have two weeks to get your icons in. I will also be posting the voting for Challenge 010 shortly.
[1] You can use ONLY the pictures provided for this challenge.
[2] You may enter up to four (4) icons.
[3] No animations. All other effects, including textures, blending, brushes, text, etc. are fine.
[4] Icons must be no more than 100x100 pixels and 40KB.
[5] Post your icons in a comment to this post. Comments are screened.
[6] Do not publish your icons anywhere else before the winners are announced.
[7] Icons must be original works made specifically for this challenge.
[8] You can make all your icons from the same picture if you want to.
Icons are due by midnight, EST on Monday, April 18th.