{Private, but hackable--except maybe to Albel? You can decide that, Steph.}

Apr 29, 2008 15:10

I am so completely sick of the disappointment. What am I doing with myself? Why am I here, except for the fact that I can't exactly go anywhere on my own? Mom's going back to Australia at the end of the week, so that's been hard on me. She's been pretty much my only company. I still can't walk on my own and I'm still having the awful headaches and mood swings.

I can't take this though, I can't take him. Once again, there was no talking, even when he was home. If I could leave... maybe I would. I think I would try. But I can't. I need what he has and I can't stop these feelings, no matter how stupid, how terribly placed they might be. I feel like I'm being a useless drain on his wallet though, and I'm not sure he appreciates it.

I'd go though, if I had somewhere else I could go to, somebody else who would take care of me until I could afford to do it myself and pay them back. It's like I can feel the heartache even into my fingertips. I don't know how else to explain it. But he ignores me completely, he works too much and when he comes home he's exhausted and grumpy.

Then again, maybe this whole thing will pass. Probably just part of those stupid mood swings I was warned I would have. I don't like it though.

Guess I don't have much of a choice but to wait this out.

(ooc: Gah, writing emotastically!angsty!Fate is a pain.)


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