Hiya :) I am so sorry I am still not around that much. This is probably one of the busiest months for me. Between birthdays and anniversaries , plus the kids' plans..I am constantly doing something lol Allison finally got her report card, and even with all of the days she had missed because of constantly problems/bullying, she will offically be a sophmore now :) Shaina still hasn't moved out, but if everything goes good with my sister's new house, she will be moving on the 25th of this month. It will definitely be strange not having here all the time, but she is only moving 10 mins away, so I'm sure she'll be stopping by a lot. hopefully she'll leave the boyfriend at home..oops I didn't say that lol My husband's birthday is the 27th and he's already complaining about getting old lol he's going to be 38, I call him a big baby haha, :D
I don't think we are going on an actual vacation this summer, probably just visit some of the more local places. They have a new aquarium here, so I really want to see that, plus I'd love to go back to the zoo:) Next year we have it planned to go back to Myrtle Beach, but I think staying close to home this summer is best. Ok enough of my crazy rambling! I just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive and well. and MISS you all!!
I know I have missed a lot of birthdays, and I am so sorry for that, so to those who have recently had one, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope your day was awesome!, Also to those having them soon, just incase I miss it, I apologize in advance and wish you a Wonderful day!