::_**_:: Basics ::_**_::
01.) Name:: Maddie
02.) Middle Name:: Kay
03.) DOB:: 4 * 23 * 89
04.) Age:: 15
05.) Location:: vero beach florida
06.) Eye Color:: blue
07.) Hair Color:: brown
08.) Hair Length:: its layered and to my shoulders
09.) Height:: 5'7
10.) Shoe Size:: 8- 8 1/2
11.) Glasses or Contacts:: neither
12.) Braces:: not anymore
13.) Single or Taken:: taken <3
14.) Bad Habits:: bitting my nails, doubting myself too much, i could go on
15.) Fears:: spiders / dying
16.) Screen Name:: xoxmaddoxo
::_**_:: School ::_**_::
17.) Where Do You Go to School:: vero beach high school
18.) Whats Your School Mascot:: indians
19.) Whats Your School Colors:: red and white
20.) Whats Your Favorite Subject:: um...drama i guess
21.) Whos Your Favorite Teacher:: it was mr seasack but hes a dean now so probably mr blessington or mr morgan
22.) What Do They Teach:: blessington-english and morgan-world history
23.) Who Sits Next to You In Math Class:: migel and christi
::_**_:: Love Life ::_**_::
24.) Do You Have a Boyfriend/ Girlfriend:: boyfriend
25.) If So, Whats There Name:: Chad
26.) If So, How Long Have You Been Together:: 1 month and a couple weeks
27.) Do You Have a Crush:: yes
28.) Do They Know:: yes
29.) Have You Ever Broken Someones Heart:: i hope not
30.) Have You Ever Had Your Heart Broken:: yes
::_**_:: Favorites ::_**_::
31.) Animal:: dog
32.) Color:: pink
33.) Person:: chad
34.) Subject:: drama
35.) Season:: summer
36.) Holiday:: christmas
37.) Hobby:: shoping
38.) Sport:: softball
39.) Feeling:: happy // loved
40.) Saying:: soo
41.) Word:: zounds
42.) Month:: april
43.) Clothing:: jeans
44.) Jewelry:: necklace
45.) Food:: anything italian
46.) Snack:: cookies
::_**_:: Friends ::_**_::
47.) Best:: ashlei
48.) Daringest:: me, yes im friends with myself
49.) Funniest:: most of them make me laugh
50.) Tallest:: harrison
51.) Shortest:: ashley m
52.) Loudest:: ashlei
53.) Shyest:: none of them are shy
54.) Smartest:: geordie and alex
55.) Blondest:: ashlei
56.) Craziest:: all of them
57.) Nicest:: kailyn
58.) Sweetest:: kailyn
59.) Weirdest:: none
60.) Flirtest:: ashlei
::_**_:: Have You Ever ::_**_::
61.) Had a Wish Come True:: yes
62.) Had a Dream Come True:: no
63.) Broken a Body Part:: yes
64.) Fallin’ in Love:: not yet
65.) Done Something You Regret:: yes
66.) Tripped and Fell in Public:: deffently, i a clumsy one
67.) Sang in Public:: yes
68.) Cryed in Public:: yes
69.) Kissed Someone Besides Family:: yes
70.) Been in a Car Crash:: yes
::_**_:: The Last ::_**_::
71.) Thing You Did Before Getting on the Computer:: made popcorn
72.) Person You Yelled at:: mother
73.) Person You Hugged:: mother
74.) Person You IMed:: day day
75.) Time You Cleaned Your Room:: saturday
76.) Song You were Listening to:: the songs on the sara evans cd
77.) TV Show You Watched:: w/e this is on right now
78.) Movie You Watched:: meet the fockers
79.) Time You went to the Movies:: saturday
80.) Time You Cryed:: today
81.) You Took a Shower:: um.. this morning
::_**_:: This OR That ::_**_::
82.) Coke OR Pepsi:: coke
83.) Tall OR Short:: tall
84.) Flowers OR Candy:: flowers
85.) Math OR English:: english
86.) Blink 182 OR Sugarcult:: um.. thats a toughy id have to go with blink
87.) Mickey OR Minnie:: minnie
88.) Middle School OR High School:: high
89.) Boyfriend OR Girlfriend:: bf
90.) Single OR Taken:: taken
::_**_:: Random ::_**_::
91.) do u sleep with a stuff animal:: yes
92.) do u like snowballs:: yes
93.) are u in school:: yes
94.) do u like to swim:: yes
95.) are u funny:: sure
96.) wut do u think of water:: water is good
97.) are u a blonde at heart:: i dont think the heart but deffently the head
98.) have u ever been to maryland:: no
99.) have u seen “chasing liberty”:: yes
100.) are u happy this survey is over:: yes