To: Wheaton Students
From: Chuck Furgal, Director of Public Safety
Individuals impersonating Resident Advisors
Date: September 18, 2007
In the past several weeks we have had two occurrences of one to three male individuals posing as R.A.’s attempting to conduct room searches in a residence hall.
The imposters state they intend to search the room for contraband that violates college policy. In the both cases, no personal items were removed from the searched rooms.
All resident advisors on campus are required to carry identification, and would not demand to search a residence hall room.
Public Safety in conjunction with the Office of Student Life is attempting to identify these individuals; anyone with information pertaining to these incidents should contact Public Safety at 508.286.8213.
Please do not "prop" residence hall doors open or admit strangers to private areas of campus and follow the safety advice available on the Public Safety Web site at