Not the same dream - LJ Idol, Season 9, Week 8

May 05, 2014 13:13

When I was 10, I wanted to be a teacher.  My plan was to go to college, get my degree, get married, have two kids - a boy and a girl - and have fun with them every summer when I wasn't having to teach. Details didn't matter, because it was my future. It was going to be perfect ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

catwomon May 5 2014, 18:36:59 UTC
I like this piece and your optomism.


bleodswean May 5 2014, 19:43:23 UTC
A thoughtful examination of these decade markers! It's good to hear that you are happy with your "now" life!


ohelectricshock May 5 2014, 19:47:22 UTC
I really loved this. I have been thinking a lot lately about the passage of time and how things change and how I want to embrace that as much as I can. This piece really resonated with me as a result.


adoptedwriter May 6 2014, 17:54:04 UTC
Very insightful. I think about this and my adoption story a lot. AW


beeker121 May 6 2014, 22:14:25 UTC
It is always fascinating to look back on what you were sure you wanted years ago and realize that where you are might appall your younger self, but you still wouldn't trade it for anything.

I really like the joy in this.


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